Monday, September 23, 2013

43 Reasons why I love Jurassic Park.

1: They'll never get Grant out of Montana, he's like me a digger

All people that dig are insane, no matter what they dig for.  It's an obsession.  Those who don't do it will never understand the thrill of a find, even if it's just a piece of debitage or a water stain.

2: You want one of those things?  Kids smell.....No they don't...BABIES DO!

NO one other than Alan Grant will understand why I don't want children.  They do smell bro, they do. 

3: Hey! We were saving that!

No really don't drink my damn alcohol, who are you....ok you might be right, lets drink that crap up.  What's a $100 bottle of champagne anyway

4: What no menthol?

No really it makes a difference when you aren't ever going to use the shaving cream and you are involved in industrial espionage, you want the menthol. 

5: So, you dig up dinosaurs?  Growl hahahahaha
Science is sexy.  No you're out of order!

6: I bring scientists you bring a RockStar
I fail to see the problem. 

7: In 48 hrs I will be accepting YOUR apology
Being rich has it's privledges

8: You have a t-rex?  Say again?
We have a t-rex

Of all the animals you could have, the T-Rex is the defining moment when you realize this shit is real. 

9: We're out of a job....don't you mean extinct?
Puns are always funny...

10: Are these figures auto-er erotic? No there are no animatronics at Jurassic Park.
I will forever believe that all lawyers are just dumb.  Sorry lawyers. 

11:But how do you know they are all female, does someone go and uh lift their skirts?
Sorry your argument is invalid. And he is pointing out logic in a much needed area. 

12: Life finds a way

Oh Jeff Goldblum, without you this movie would have never made it. 

13: These are living breathing things with no idea what century they are in, and they will react violently if necessary

Wait...what you say?  FORESHADOWING???? Holy shit? Making a species that you know nothing about is a bad idea? damn it John!

14: Grandpa! Kids!
Really, this expresses my sentiments so well. 

15:Which car are you going in?
Which ever one you are

16: God help us.....
Enough said. 

17: What do they have in there King Kong?
Holy crap...who planned on making the gate T-Rex passable?  Shouldn't that gate barely let the jeep through? Bad decision.  Engineers. Bah.

18: Our lives are in your hands and you have Butterfingers?
They got all their ad placement with Nedry alone, Gillete, Butterfingers, Coke. Well done Spielberg.  Well done. 
19: God makes dinosaurs, God kills dinosaurs, God makes man, Man makes dinosaurs
Dinosaurs kill man WOMAN inherits the earth
Yes. Thank you.  

20: Here I am now alone, that is Chaos theory
There just really aren't enough Malcolm quotes.  He's as amazing in the movie as he is in the book.  Good casting. 

21: You will remember to wash your hands before eating anything?

Nah, I'm gonna try to see if I can get a virus from an extinct animals poop.  Thank you for reminding me manners Jurassic Park

22: Random ass soliloquy from Nedry about computers compiling. 
Really, how uncomfortable did this scene make you?  Like for serious, if you didn't know he was going to fuck things up you are stupid.  
23: You married?
ME!!! OOH OH Pick ME!

24: Hey, what did I touch?
Oh good people that dig in the dirt are all hopeless with computers...glad to hear it's not just me.  

25: Find Nedry! Check the vending machines
Is anyone else thankful that the image of computer geek has changed from fat to sexy?  A remake of this would probably tell you to check the gym or the video game room. 

26: Are they heavy?  Then they are expensive
Heavy = expensive....well unless it's an apple product, then if there's a little apple emblem any where you might as well hand over your retirement plan.

27: When you've got to go....
No really thank you movie for talking about what no one ever talks about....sometimes you just have to poop.  With your pants on.  In the rain.  While you abandon children in a car about to be attacked by a T-Rex. 

28: You wanna play fetch? God no wonder you went extinct. really?  No wonder YOU are going to be extinct! Get him dilophosaur!

29: Well, we're back in the car again
At least you are out of that tree
We should have just stayed in the damn car.  I am tired jackass. I swear the old people are gonna get me killed. (FORESHADOWING????)

30:  Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend.
Manners, I tell you, if you have just been attacked by a dinosaurs and put on your own tourniquet make sure you have a buddy to remind you to be polite. 

31: Think they'll have THAT on the tour?
As long as you hold my hand I'll ride that ride. 

32: We never had control that's the illusion!
Now shut up and give me a damn spoon, I'm a woman and I like to eat my emotions. 

33: *dino sneeze* GOD BLESS YOU!
See, there's this whole thing about manners in this film.  Even in intense situations and interspecies misunderstandings it's always important to be polite. 

34: Hold on to your butts
Not only has Samuel L Jackson perfected smoking and talking at the same time....He's the master of double meanings...hold on to my cigarette butt or my actual butt?  Where is my actual butt going?  IF I don't hold on what happens?

The one and only time I went to Disney Pirates was broken down.  They did not cannibalism the tourists, but it was sad.  

36: We can make it if we we can't. We're being hunted. 
I'm going to talk extremely calmly because I don't want to panic you, however my accent is going to lull you into a sense of non urgency so when i tell you to run you look stupid for a minute.  Sorry.  Good luck with that whole survival thing though. 

37: Mr Hammond I think were back in business

38: Clever gal
Famous last words..... Does anyone else find irony that in this movie women are basically the cause of the downfall of the park...well and that Nedry dude. 

39: Impact tremor
Shit....I'm about to get eaten. 

40: Kids surviving
Does anyone else feel like these kids would have done better with out the adults?  Like me personally I feel like they would have found a shady spot waited for the phones and been like...peace bro. 

41: Mr. Hammond, the phones are working
Really?  The ringing didn't really tip me off.....

42: Mr. Hammond I've decided not to endorse your park.
Me either
Oh come now, what's one little power outage and 10 dead between a few friends....This can still work. 

43: Ending.....
I always felt like the ending could have had a narration with the moral of the story......but since its not's my moral

                        Jurassic Park

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